
(Ministry for Reserch and Technology)からの許可が必要となりました。

【許可取得に必要な日数】  審査は毎月15日なので5週間前に申請要
【許可取得手数料】  35,000円(1チーム)

1.Ministry for Reserch and Technology宛ての口上書 (同コピーは大使館へ)

Documents Required for Application

The following enlists required documents that must be prepared during the submission for research permit application:

  1. A formal letter of request addressed to The State Ministry of Research and Technology, f.d.t Secretary to the State Minister for Research and Technology. A copy of this letter including CV and research proposal, which is designated to the Indonesian Representative abroad where the researcher will obtain the visa, must also be enclosed. (フォーマル・レター)
  2. 6 (six) copies of research proposal which contains at least: title, objectives, methodology and concept, location, and duration of the research in Indonesia. (リサーチ・プロポーザル)
  3. 6 (six) copies of abstract on the research proposal. (リサーチ・プロポーザルの抜粋)
  4. 4 (four) copies of the researcher’s passport which must be valid until at least six months after the completion of the proposed research in Indonesia. (研究者のパスポート・コピー)
  5. 6 (six) copies of the curriculum vitae (CV) of the researcher(s) including a list of publication.                     (研究者の経歴書)
  6. 4 (four) recent close-up photographs (4x6 cm) with red background.                         (研究者の写真:背景赤色)
  7. Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) and Material Transfer Agreement (MTA) between the researcher and his/her Indonesian counterpart if the researcher plans to take specimen or samples to analyse either in his/her home country or in Indonesia.                 (見本などを持ち帰る場合は、インドネシア側機関との同意書)
  8. 2 (two) letters of recommendation from: [a] professor or senior researcher/supervisor and [b] official letter of recognition issued by the institution or university where the researcher(s) employed.     (教授からの推薦状)
  9. A recommendation letter(s) from a related Indonesian Representative(Indonesian Embassy or Consulate General) abroad.     (インドネシア大使館からの推薦状)
  10. A letter(s) of support from Indonesian counterpart(s) stating that the institution will act as research counterpart    (インドネシア側からの協力同意書)
  11. Health certificate from legal-practicing medical-doctor stating that the researcher is physically and mentally capable to conduct the research.  (医師の健康診断書)
  12. A letter guaranteeing sufficient fund to cover research and living expenses during conducting research in Indonesia.     (費用負担の確約書)
  13. A list of research equipments that will be brought to Indonesia, along brief technical specification which mention the estimated value for each equipment on use.                  (インドネシアに持ち込む機材リスト)
  14. If researcher plans to bring his/her spouse and children, he/she must also submit a copy of marriage certificate or other citizen partnership certificate, child (children) birth certificate(s), copies of his/her family passports, and 4 (four) recent close-up photographs of each family member. (家族同伴の場合は戸籍謄本とその翻訳文と写真)
  15. In particular, for point 2-7 the documents should be submitted by soft copy and hard copy.          (上記2-7の書類は、メールとオリジナルを提出の事)

    Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi Republik Indonesia ( www.ristek.go.id )
Alamat : Gedung II BPP Teknologi Lt. 5,6,7,8,23 dan 24 - Jl. MH Thamrin 8, Jakarta 10340, PO.Box 3110 JKP 10031
Tlp. (021)316-9119, 316-9127, Fax. (021)310-1952 | Kontak Kami
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